If we all wrote with notebooks and pencils now, you know this is what your waste bin would look like. This is what mine would look like, anyways. Writing is hard. It's time consuming, grammatically overwhelming, and you always have to wait for the muses to strike before the magic happens, right?
Wrong. It is a difficult profession to be in, but anything worth doing is hard. My new motto is "Hodge's Do Hard Things!" I am trying NOT to make it, "Hodge's do things the hard way," but only time will tell! Sorry about the segue, back to writing! Anyways, here are a few tips that I am using to make writing a little easier, and keep it a high priority in my life. 1.) Believe in yourself. You will never do anything well if you don't believe in what you are doing. 2.) Write with a purpose. I'm not just talking about having a purpose for your writing. I'm talking about having a purpose for writing at all. Why do you even want to be a writer? Once you answer that, the process of writing will be easier! 3.) Schedule Time for Writing. Never not write anything in that scheduled time. It doesn't matter if you don't use what you wrote, the exercise of always writing at that time will encourage the muses to visit more often. 4.) Organize yourself. I'm not talking about having your house spic and span before you sit down to write. That is not likely to happen, EVER. I just mean to have things tidy. Especially on your desk. Messiness is the ultimate distraction, and we are trying to rid ourselves of distractions so the muses' strikes are not missed! 5.) Have a process. This also helps with encouraging those pesky muses to visit more often, and on schedule! What do I mean by this? Have a routine that you go through each time you write. A basic get rid of distractions, then sit down an write would suffices, but here's another example:
I'm still new at this, so leave me a comment below and let me know if you have any other amazing tips to help make writing a little easier! I sure would appreciate it. 10/12/2016 08:49:18 pm
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About the Author : Lindsay HodgeI am a writer and a photographer, a stay-at-home-mom, a wife, a homesteader and I am interested in all things sustainable. My husband and I own our own homestead... If you like that sort of thing, you can check out my OTHER website. Sign up for email updates...Click or scan the QR-code to be taken to my email sign up page!